PREMIUM Cropping Air cart elevates seedingThe latest Morris 10 Series air carts have larger capacities that will keep producers seeding in paddocks for longer and spending less time filling. By Country News
Cropping Double-knock is weed smartThe double-knockdown tactic is a key component of the WeedSmart Big 6 strategy, which aims... By Country News
Cropping Magic wand to avoid spray driftThe WAND (Weather and Networked Data) system is a world-first, Australian-developed weather data system to... By Country News
News Hemp is a growing businessThe Victorian Hemp Association is encouraging farmers to help the group ‘grow a better future’... By Country News
National 'Gone backwards': Hopes fund can revive home-buildingCutting red tape standing in the way of modular home construction will be rewarded by... By AAP Newswire
Horticulture Quarantine continuesThe quarantined tomato glasshouse at Katunga Fresh is likely to be closed down for weeks... By Geoff Adams
News Virus found in Goulburn Valley pigsNo quarantine or movement restrictions will be put in place because Japanese encephalitis virus is... By Country News
News New bird flu strain at EuroaA chicken farm has been put into quarantine, only a few days after the Federal... By Country News
Cropping Novel methods for weed controlTechnology is taking weed control to new places. By Geoff Adams
Cropping Research into nitrogen lossesUp to 50 per cent of nitrogen applied to crops is lost. By Geoff Adams
Cropping Warmer and wetterModels are leading agronomist Dale Grey to think the next few months are possibly going... By Geoff Adams
Cropping Swing it, MaxThe Swing Max double baler is one of only three in Australia and is a... By Andy Wilson
Cropping To wrap or not to wrap? That is the pressing silage questionPrecision chopping is the preferred method for harvesting whole-crop cereal silage compared to baling, despite... By Country News
Cropping Value for money is a ‘no-brainer’Farmer and contractor Richard Stecher admits grease, oil and coolants are seldom seen as the... By Country News
Cropping Harvesting forage cereal cropsThe ensiling of forage cereal crops for silage is called whole-crop silage (WCS) or may be... By Country News
Cropping Silage’s role in grazing systemsSilage production in Australia has more than doubled since the early 1990s. By Country News