On January 20, council launched an expression of interest for individuals to join the Diversity and Inclusion Reference Group.
Council is seeking representatives from nine priority communities to join the group, offering a unique opportunity to directly influence local infrastructure, support services, and events.
These nine communities of priority include: people with disabilities; culturally and linguistically diverse communities; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; LGBTQI+ individuals; older people (aged 65-plus); people with mental illness; socially disadvantaged people; youth (12 to 25 years old); and women.
Campaspe Shire Mayor Daniel Mackrell said the group, with representatives from these nine groups, would provide insight into how council could address certain barriers in the shire.
“The formation of this reference group acknowledges there are a range of people and groups who experience barriers to equal participation, and whose input is invaluable in helping council to eliminate these barriers,” he said.
“Promoting inclusivity helps build stronger, more cohesive communities.
“When everyone feels valued and included, it fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect — something we can all benefit from.”
The group will consist of six to nine members, each representing a priority community.
They will meet quarterly, with a councillor present to provide secretarial support.
A first of its kind in Campaspe Shire, the group was formed off the back of a petition tabled in April 2024 to create an LGBTQIA+ advisory committee.
The petition was discussed at the May 21, 2024 council meeting where the proposal was amended to include nine groups of priority.
The Diversity and Inclusion Reference Group was then proposed at the November 26, 2024 meeting, moved by Cr Paul Jarman and then pushed through with a majority vote.
The initiative is part of council’s Access and Inclusion Strategy 2020-2026.
Council will be taking expressions of interest for the Diversity and Inclusion Reference Group until Monday, February 10.
For more information on the Access and Inclusion Strategy or to submit an expression of interest, visit campaspe.vic.gov.au/diversity-inclusion or phone council’s manager community partnerships on 1300 666 535.