Goulburn-Murray Water’s Water Delivery Services general manager Warren Blyth said improperly built or unauthorised dams could create various problems.
“One illegally constructed dam can have a severe impact on many different people,” Mr Blyth said.
“If a dam is not built to the correct specifications, it can be a hazard not only for the person whose land it is on but those downstream of them who may be inundated if it fails.
“Dams that are built on waterways without authorisation can also prevent downstream customers from getting the water they are entitled to.
“In fairness to all customers, it is essential dams are licensed appropriately.”
People who build dams without the appropriate authorisation can be made to reinstate the land to its natural state at their own expense.
A licence must always be obtained prior to constructing a dam on a waterway.
A waterway determination will clarify whether the land on which someone has proposed to construct a dam is classified as a waterway or not.
There are also some instances where off-waterway dams require licences. These dams are labelled as ‘potentially hazardous’ under Section 67 (1A) of the Water Act 1989.
However, Mr Blyth encouraged anyone planning to build a dam to contact G-MW to confirm they were obtaining the correct permissions.
“There are various factors that determine if a dam requires a licence and what type of licence a dam may require,” he said.
“We want to ensure all dams that are built are compliant, so we are very happy to help people with any questions about the process.”
For more information, go to: https://www.g-mwater.com.au/farm-dams
People with any further questions can phone G-MW on 1800 013 357 or email G-MW’s Land and Licensing Team at: licensingadmin@gmwater.com.au