The McDonald family — Ingrid, Bryce and Philippa with Willow.
Bryce and Ingrid McDonald have three dogs who love to run.
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Well, we should say, one dog who has already run a life-time, and the other two are trying to catch up.
The McDonald’s senior dog, Butch, is believed to be aged between 12 and 14 and having worked a large station literally the “back of Bourke” he’s spending more time now lying in the sun, than chasing the cows.
But Bryce values his lifetime of hard work and Butch will always have a place to curl up.
Willow, Butch and Landy in the ute and ready to go.
Bryce has always liked the border collie breed and has fond memories of an aged relative who had a cute, stuffed border collie, and whom sometimes believed it was real.
Today it is Bryce and Ingrid’s 15-month-old daughter, Philippa, who is charmed by the long-haired collies, as long as they don’t get too rough.
The McDonalds manage a small grazing and cropping property west of Kyabram in conjunction with Ingrid’s grandfather, the noted and now retired dairy farmer Chris Hunter.
Landy at full stretch in a Kyabram paddock.
What are their personalities?
Bryce: Landy is very active and full of beans. He loves chasing birds.
Willow is very loyal. She wants to be beside me all the time. Both are extremely energetic and boisterous.
Do they have any bad habits?
Landy had a habit of biting fence droppers, but one day he accidentally bit an electrified dropper. He also loves chasing birds.
As a pup, Willow chewed up my shoes and destroyed a pair of orthotics.
Why border collies?
Bryce: I’ve always wanted border collies ever since I was a kid. When I was in Hamilton, everyone had kelpies, but Butch was pretty handy in the paddocks and as a yard dog.
Seven-year-old Landy has been cured of biting fence droppers.