Constant companion: Agricultural scientist Kate Burke from Echuca with Pat the Cavalier King Charles spaniel, checking out a crop.
Photo by
Geoff Adams
When cropping adviser Kate Burke was working on her recently released book, she had a companion who stayed with her in the study into the wee small hours.
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Husband Geoff was a good support, but he wasn’t curled up at her feet like Pat the dog.
Pat is a very affectionate Cavalier King Charles spaniel who likes company, and spent quite a few late evenings and early mornings with Kate as she wrestled with the drafts of her book: Crops, people, money and you.
But Pat also likes to travel in the car and watch the world go by.
On the day Country News visited, Pat thought it was a good idea to jump into the Country News car and ride to the paddock for the photo.
Running wild: Pat enjys a run in the paddock, particularly if there are any mice around.
Photo by
Geoff Adams
“He likes to sit on the back seat and put his feet on the console. If you don’t give him an occasional pat he reminds you,” Kate said.
“He’s a bit of a co-pilot”.
Pat has the disadvantage of having only one eye, lost as a result of a mishap years ago, but it doesn’t prevent him from appreciating his outdoor life and chasing mice and possums.
The daughter of a farmer, who grew up in the Elmore district, Kate’s business — Think Agri — is based in Echuca, but she spends a considerable amount of time out on the road.
No handicap: Pat only has one eye, but it doesn’t stop him chasing mice and possums.
Photo by
Geoff Adams
She answered a few questions about Pat:
How does he handle only one eye?
Really well, still gets around. He has the same traffic sense as he had before — not good!
What does he enjoy?
Loves travelling in the car.
Good boy: Pat the Cavalier King Charles spaniel.
Photo by
Geoff Adams
Good habits?
He’s very affectionate. He comes to see you in the morning and looks for a pat and a cuddle. He hangs around until he gets his morning walk. He quite often comes into the office and goes to sleep on the floor. If I was up working on the book, he wouldn’t go to bed until I had finished.